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What does ARS Colors means?

ARS Color Reference System is a convenient user guide format allows for optional standardized color predominantly arranged chromatically to allow for easy in visually location color families and ranges with handy portability. By standardizing the colors, different manufacturers, traders as well as users of Textile, Carpet, Architect, Yarn manufacturing industries in different locations are being threaded by using an ARS numbered color, making sure the colors match without direct contact with one another. 

Are you using the right ARS Colors?

If you don’t have updated your ARS Color Reference System for years, you are likely to be using faded or inaccurate colors! Our color boxes do not last forever as natural fibers have a tendency of fading due to factors such as handling, humidity, mass uses, improper storage and light exposure which are all uncontrollable factors.

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Why does ARS Colors to be updated every short interval?



Natural Yarns like cotton, wool, silk fade faster than synthetic/ man-made Yarns like polyester, nylon, acrylic. In fact, when you buy fabric made of natural yarn may look brighter, but over time this colour fades. Fading can be caused by many factors, but Sun exposure is often the primary factor in how the colour fades over time. Navy blue, dark green, dark red, dark brown and black will appear to fade faster because they are deeper into the colour spectrum than white, tan or other lighter colours. Hence we recommend keeping your ARS Color pomps in dark areas to avoid colour inaccuracy and change your box at a period of time.

It is all about the chemical makeup of an object. The technical term for color fading is photodegradation. There are light absorbing color bodies called chromophores that are present in dyes. The colors we see are based upon these chemical bonds and the amount of light that is absorbed in a particular wavelength.

For Best Results

Use Color Matching Cabinets

We suggest the use of Color Matching Cabinets to get the best outcome of colour accuracy. The colour matching cabinet measures the colour difference between the two samples. When one uses a colour matching cabinet it helps in marking the difference. The Colour viewing cabinet is equipped with the most accurate light cabinet for visual evaluation of wool, viscose cotton & so on.

Avoid Using

Displayed Color Poms

Do not use the ARS Colors Displayed pomps. To get the best colour matching accuracy always use those ARS Colors Poms that have been kept inside the box. Because of too much exposure to light, dust & humidity, The displayed colour poms are degraded & will be less accurate. ARS Color Poms are being made off with natural wool and viscose fibre that absorb things like smoke, cleaning chemicals and dust that can all lodge on the face of your poms and cause them to colour fade. ARS Colors recommend you to keep your colour Poms inside the box when they are not in use.


 We recommend you to wear a clean hand glove before picking ARS Color POMs from the ARS Color box and use it gently.

Other major factors that could fade your ARS Color POMs are:-

How to use ars colors

DUST – ARS Color POMS are being made off with natural wool and viscose fibres that absorb things like smoke, cleaning chemicals and dust that can all lodge on the face of your POMs and cause them to fade. We recommend you to keep the POMs in dust free atmosphere. 

How to use ars colors user guide

HEATED ATMOSPHERE –  We strongly recommend you not to use the ARS Color POMs in any heated atmosphere. During manufacturing and production processes, things can get pretty heated literally. Using heat or high temperature is common practice in plant operations to manufacture a product. Elevated temperature, however, can affect a products physical appearance, particularly color. This color change from temperature, called thermochromism, is problematic for plastic, coating and textile applications during quality control inspections. A pigment or dye’s reaction to high temperature depends on its chemical properties and material. Too hot of temperatures or long exposure to high temperature may completely degrade the color of an object, In other instances, an object or sample drifts to another shade or color until it stabilizes back to room temperature. Certain colors are more susceptible to this drift, depending on the application. In the textile industry, for example, a textile material goes through a dye process that often shifts its color temporarily. After being taken out of the dye bath, textiles are rinsed, finished and then placed in a high temperature oven to dry. The sample is then removed from the oven after a standard drying time and set aside to condition, or cool down to ambient temperature. However, manufactures may notice a change in the textile color during this time. A fabric dyed blue, for example, may drift to a reddish hue while it’s still hot or warm from the oven and then slowly adjust to its correct blue color after stabilizing to room temperature. Because of this temporary drift in color, evaluating the sample against the standard during this cool down stage will deliver misleading results.Once the sample is stabilized temperature, visual and instrumental evaluations can be performed more accurately to identify if the sample color meets the standard.

ars colors User Guide

HUMIDITY & TEMPERATURE – The fading that devastates chromogenic films occurs in the dark, and is accelerated by higher temperatures and, to a lesser extent, relative humidity. The acetate base decay may contribute to dye fade by lowering the pH of the gelatin binder, promoting dye fade in pH sensitive dye layers. We suggest you keep the ARS POMs away from humidity and temperature as far as possible that could be a reason for the color fading. 

ars colors User Guide - How to use ARS Colors

PROPER KEEPING – Try to keep the ARS Color POMs in proper way that is in the right pocket of the concerned ARS Color box and that should be kept in dark area.

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